Five Reasons Medium is Losing Readers

Medium tried to fix what wasn’t broken — and readers are paying the price

4 min readNov 5, 2020


I wake up, grab a cup of coffee, and open up Medium to read. It is my routine for starting my day, and I am feeling a little lost without it. I would also take mini-breaks during the day when I needed to let my brain unwind and read another article or five.

Plenty of writers on Medium are complaining, again, about the latest changes to the Medium algorithm. As an avid reader on Medium, let me share why it is more frustrating to me as a reader than as a writer.

Reason #1 — The home page no longer shows anything I want to read

The changes were supposed to be about placing more emphasis on seeing writers you follow. Instead, virtually my entire feed is comprised of writers I do not follow writing about subjects I do not find interesting. The only redeeming quality is that some of my publications show up on a sidebar, allowing me to go straight to the publication to browse.

I will not pretend to understand the algorithm, but I know I am not the only reader that is frustrated. I was forced to review every writer that I followed and unfollow any that were not my absolute favorites. It was time-consuming and largely…




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