There is Stranger Living in My House

Adapting to the seasons of change as a parent

4 min readFeb 14, 2020


Not too long ago, this stranger was a sweet little boy that had my entire heart wrapped around his little finger. He was the kindest, funniest person I knew, so what happened? My son grew into a young adult, and he has met the world, and it is leaving its mark.

I can’t quite figure out how I feel about this. I have numerous kids, so it is not like I didn’t know this day was coming. He still lives in our house because we are lucky enough to have a nearby college that offers him the opportunity to pursue the degree he wants.

That is our deal with our kids — 18 means college, trade school, or a job. We are not booting them to the curb when they graduate high school, but we are booting them into adult lives.

We don’t charge rent to stay here, and we continue to provide all the necessities, including educational expenses, as long as they are pursuing a way to becoming independent adults.

As long as they hold up their end of the bargain about finding their path to independence, living at home comes with only two caveats. If they choose to live here, we expect them to continue to contribute to the welfare of the household via reasonable chores, and they have to continue to abide by the rules of the house.




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